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Scientific reference for the timed count (30-min count) method to monitor butterfly populations and communities, and to do systematic faunistic surveys: Attiwilli, S., N. Ravikanthachari, and K. Kunte. 2024. A comparison between time-constrained counts and line transects as methods to estimate butterfly diversity and monitor populations in tropical habitats. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 17:88–101.

YouTube links of the demonstration of the 30-min count method, and discussion of the method:

A demo of the 30-min count method:

A discussion on the 30-min count method:

Mobile app for data entry (30-min counts and daily checklists) as well as identification of butterflies:

Reference website on Indian butterflies: Butterflies of India (

Identification Books/Brochures: 

  1. Bhakare, M. and H. Ogale. 2018. A Guide to Butterflies of Western Ghats (India). Satara. Milind Bhakare and Hemant Ogale. pp. 496.
  2. Kunte, K. 2000. Butterflies of Peninsular India. Universities Press (Hyderabad) and Indian Academy of Sciences (Bangalore). xviii+254pp, and 32 color plates.
  3. Kunte, K., Lochana R., Lalrintluanga and V. Nawge. 2023. Butterflies of Indian Urban Greeneries (brochure). Indian Foundation for Butterflies Trust and National Centre for Biological Sciences - TIFR, Bengaluru, India. 14-page, foldable brochure. 
  4. Kunte, K., and N. Ravikanthachari. 2020. Butterflies of Bengaluru. Karnataka Forest Department (Research Wing), National Centre for Biological Sciences, and Indian Foundation for Butterflies, Bengaluru, India. 196 pp.
  5. Sondhi, S., and K. Kunte. 2018. Butterflies of Uttarakhand – A Field Guide. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh (Dehradun), Titli Trust (Dehradun), National Centre for Biological Sciences (Bengaluru), and Indian Foundation for Butterflies (Bengaluru). x+310pp, all in full color.
  6. Sondhi, S., and K. Kunte. 2018. Butterflies and Moths of Pakke Tiger Reserve (2nd edition). Titli Trust (Dehradun), National Centre for Biological Sciences, (Bengaluru), and Indian Foundation for Butterflies (Bengaluru). vi+242pp, all in full colour.
  7. Sondhi, S., K. Kunte, G. Agavekar, R. Lovalekar, K. Tokekar. 2013. Butterflies of the Garo Hills . Samrakshan Trust (New Delhi), Titli Trust (Dehradun) and Indian Foundation for Butterflies (Bengaluru). xvi+200pp, all in full color.

Additionally, you will soon find the following resources here to help you get started with a new project or advance to the next stage of butterfly monitoring:

Data templates

A manual of butterfly counting

Stay tuned!